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What do you think? Who should win the Berlin Newcomer Startup Award 2021? We’re interested to find out which business idea is the most convincing to you as a potential future client, supporter, business partner or investor.

We invite you to be a part of our “extended jury”!

The six finalists preselected by our jury will be presented on this website for 2 weeks and you can support your favorite by giving them your vote, sharing the link to their profile with your network – and in the end make them the lucky winner of the extra prize of 5.000€ + 2.500€ budget for coaching / consulting.

Starting: November 10 2021 on this Website!
Stay tuned for more information!

Already excited to see who will be the 6 finalists chosen by our jury? Join us live for the reveal and launch of the public voting.


Francis Joseph + team


What will your new startup’s offers be?

We developed a software concept that can perform project manager duties via Artificial Intelligence methods. In comparison to other PM tools in the ecosystem, this software captures and automates tasks that are often lacking in real project scenarios due to human error.

Who will be your customers?

The first target group will be project managers working in digital agencies. Based on previous working experiences in agencies, digital projects frequently face unnecessary issues that can negatively impact team members and result in delays, politics, etc. This software aims to eliminate those matters.

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Mihri Minaz + team


What will your new startup’s offers be?

Beams is a mindful new work tool that helps people work better. It learns about your personal work routine and intelligently suggests deep work blocks where distractions are eliminated and it reminds you to take breaks at the right time. As a meta layer of your work tools, Beams consolidates and prioritizes your emails, messages and notifications and delivers them to you in batches so that you can focus better.

Who will be your customers?

Our initial target persona are members of the product team (product managers, developers and designers) of early to mid-stage digital startups and our first product is a Mac Menu Bar App, which we are testing and co-creating with currently 30 alpha users.

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Rima Alqaq

Jasmine Online-Shop

What will your new startup’s offers be?

My idea is to sell hand-made, original, authentic products at affordable prices online. This idea is beneficial for two parties:

  1. People with migration background who have difficulty in integration or people with economic problems, they will find proper distribution for their work and will be culturally and economically empowered
  2. Customers who like these kind of precious products usually find them expensive because they are coming from their origin countries.

Who will be your customers?

The target group is people who like to get special, artistic, handmade or exotic items but are forced to go to fast fashion because of the prices and they are considered luxury and fancy.

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Juan Opitz-Silva + team


What will your new startup’s offers be?

We are the intel inside of clothes. not batteries not motor. the first fully washable wearable device that moves.

Who will be your customers?

We help companies and persons that work standing for long periods of time standing or walking. To reduce the muscle hazard in lower limbs, compressing and providing an oscillating massage without batteries and motors. More than 50% of jobs work standing (Nurses, line production workers, restaurants etc), standing more than five hours a day contributes to significant and prolonged lower-limb muscle fatigue. This raises the risk for long-term back pain and musculoskeletal disorders.

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Daga Pankaj + team

MVMENT Embody Creativity

What will your new startup’s offers be?

  • Enabling original music creation without the need for instruments, costly equipment, and years of training.
  • Making music-making immediate and intuitive.
  • Single or multi-player option

Who will be your customers?

Our target customers will be children and families who are looking for meaningful and fun activities to do together, even remotely. We believe that parents will encourage their children to play MVMENT as it is a physically active, musically enriching game.

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Abdelrahman Rabee

Portable Wind Turbine

What will your new startup’s offers be?

Portable wind turbine that is deployed from a ship container. The container can be transferred anywhere providing a clean source of electricity. In addition solar panels can be installed by the container to provide reliable renewable energy solutions depending on how much power supply is needed.

Who will be your customers?

The potential customers are governments and Organizations who are interested in electrification of off grid places in Africa for example. Other customers are Building contractors or even oil drilling companies who build projects in deserts for example and away from the electricity grid. In addition to refugee camps and places that suffered from disasters and need an emergency supply of electricity.

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